Influence of parenthood on the career of visual artists

Would you like to help with a research into the influence of parenthood on the careers of visual artists? Fill in the survey before Saturday 21st of September 2024.


Boekmanstichting intern and master student Iris Schipper is investigating how visual artists, with or without children, experience the culture surrounding parenthood in the art world. Specific attention is also paid to pregnancy discrimination. This research is a follow-up to the research Female visual artists in the Netherlands: labour market position, career development, representation, published earlier this year.

Direct link to the survey: https://uva.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5i4tJcnePxMvtlQ

This survey research stands or falls by the level of response. The survey can be completed by autonomous visual artists with and without children.

The survey takes about 20 minutes, even if you are not a parent but are an artist, it helps others in the arts to get the complete image.

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Platform BK researches the role of art in society and takes action for a better art policy. We represent artists, curators, designers, critics and other cultural producers.